The main approach of this seminal book is to examine whether these hadith chains are legitimate and if the resulting interpretations are based on the spirit of the Qu’ran, or rather cultural attitudes of that time. The bulk of stigmatization of homosexuality is found in hadith interpretation and fiqh (Islamic law). He argues that the Qu’ran condemns same-sex acts only if they are exploitative or violent. In his book “ Homosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims,” Scott Kugle uplifts a sexually-sensitive interpretation of the Islamic tradition. It has catapulted me into an exciting new terrain, satiating my need for scholarly integrity and a prophetic spirit that meets the challenges of our times. Thankfully, I was introduced to the work of Dr.

The myth that I internalized was that progressive Muslim scholarship is not serious, tainted by orientalist thought, and lacks reverential care for the Qu’ran and hadith (sayings of the Prophet ﷺ). While I knew this form of Islam was no longer working for me, I felt lost in how to reconcile my new theological direction with my need for Qu’ranic and jurisprudential intimacy. Such conversations seem to get lost in straw man arguments, demagoguery, and a growing collective paranoia. As someone who was quite intimate with neo-traditionalist Islam, there seems to be an increasing conservatism that sees these issues as part of an apocalyptic agenda that infringes upon the purity and integrity of Islam.

( Medium) – For anyone attuned to the Muslim American milieu, it is hard to miss how conversations around gender and sexuality have become major faultlines.